If you know me, you know how much I love handbags! I need a bag for all occasions and above all that matches my current clothing. So it's essential for me to have a good quality bag that will last me a long time!
At la Fabrik we have 2 favorite brands, Lambert and Pixie Mood. The 2 companies have a common vision, that style does not need compromise. Styles can be hip, functional and socially responsible all at the same time.
We present to you our favorites of the moment! Note that the bags are all available in store and on our website.
work bags
The Charlotte
A look without missteps, what do you say? The Charlotte women's vegan backpack is a safe bet that gives you a very sophisticated and easy-to-wear look. We give you the opportunity to get your hands on a functional and classy accessory that stands out for its simplicity of arrangement.

The Greta
Your perfect all-in-one everyday tote bag for work, travel or school.

The handbags
ÉLIE - Vegan leather bag X Élie Duquet
Our brand new ÉLIE vegan leather bag was designed in collaboration with Élie Duquet. She wanted a perfect bag to accompany her on a daily basis, while giving style to her different looks. The ÉLIE is both chic and practical, it can be worn over the shoulder, over the shoulder and even as a backpack. A completely multifunctional accessory that has style.
Élie was involved in all stages of the creative process, from mood board to sampling, including color choices. Red is HER favorite color, so it was essential to offer her bag in this color that adds punch to an outfit. Here is a Lambert bag all in his image.

Sturdy and roomy with a delicate appearance, this cute shoulder bag is ready for a romantic night out!