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Cinq astuces pour apprendre à aimer l'automne.

Five tips for learning to love fall.

Autumn is a season that draws mixed reviews between; I like and I don't like. For me, fall is without a doubt one of my favorite seasons. Luckily for you, I'm going to share my must-have autumn tips with you, to help you tame this beautiful season and maybe love it a little more.


1-Dare to leave your home, to do outdoor activities . My first piece of advice is undoubtedly to get out of your house on a fairly regular basis to get a good dose of fresh air and, of course, to take advantage of the beautiful colors that fall brings us.

2-Take time for yourself. Learning to take time for yourself on a daily basis is probably a big challenge for most of us. Spending quality time doing things that we love and that make us feel good is paramount.

3-Organize your interior. Autumn is an extremely beautiful season in colors, what better than to decorate the house with these beautiful warm and comforting colors to add a little joie de vivre in the house. You can also take the opportunity to make the transition from your summer clothes to those of winter. You can even take the opportunity to treat yourself and update yourself with the most trendy fashions of the hour by revamping your wardrobe. Probably the most interesting point of the fall arrival, in my opinion.

4-Cook comforting recipes. Nothing better than a good hot meal that has been simmering in the oven all afternoon, leaving its delicious smell all over the house. You can also take advantage of good seasonal foods to treat yourself to good desserts, each as excellent as the next.

5-Slow down the pace. Finally, fall is the ideal season to slow down the pace a bit. Above all, come the holiday season, which for most people is very demanding, the idea of ​​refocusing, of finding oneself is essential.

Autumn is a season to be loved and appreciated xxx

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